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domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008

Test 2. 5º Ed. Primaria

Primary 5 - Test 2

November 2008

Part I: [0. 1. 2.] Thursday 20th &
0. Day, date & Weather
1. Writing: Write about a country; you can tell me its name, its capital city, where it is, its size, the colours of its flag, the weather in different seasons, the food from the country, landmarks, places of interest, celebrations…
2. Activities: Unit 2 and 1.

Part II: [3.4] Wednesday, 19th
3. Reading Comprehension: one text and questions about it
4. Listening Comprehension

-Book: Unit 0, 1 and 2.
-Workbook:Unit 0, 1 and 2. Particularly: pages 20 & 21
-Worksheets. Unit 2 and 1: Reinforcement, Extension, Grammar
-CD: Unit 2 and 1

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